Friday, 30 January 2015

Happy New Year message

Happy new year to all!

I hope you enjoyed the Christmas and New Year festive period, and that you got a chance to catch up with family, friends and rest.

Last year flew past so quickly and here we are safely landing in 2015.

How many of you have made New Years resolutions? If so, have you kept to it?

Change is all about priorities. Sometimes the intention is there but it can be a struggle to prioritise that change as it may be out of our comfort zone or we're not use to the routine yet. If you don't make your goal a priority, then it won't work out.

For the past few years I haven't made New Years resolutions, instead if I want to change something I'll act upon it anytime of year and work to stick to it. It is tough but discipline and the desire to succeed will help you through, which is why you have to really want it. Once it becomes routine after a couple of weeks you be on auto-pilot and it will be a breeze. The first couple of weeks are always the hardest whatever your want to change.

Don't give up, stick with it. As I always say anything worth having it's always hard.

I wish you all a happy, healthy and memorable 2015. Let's make it a great one!!

Shimmy hugs,

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